
The Halfdan hub includes Halfdan and Halfdan North East (NE). Halfdan is the largest producing field in Denmark and an important DUC asset in terms of value and resources, both technically and commercially. The Halfdan main field was discovered in 1998, brought on stream in 1999 and Halfdan NE in 2004.
There are no distinct boundaries separating the Halfdan main field and Halfdan NE area. Halfdan NE is a development of the gas accumulation in the Ekofisk formation to the North East of the Halfdan field. The main field produces oil and gas from the Tor Chalk reservoir. The Halfdan main oil accumulation is contiguous with the Dan accumulation. It has been developed in four phases, and 71 wells have been drilled, with currently 35 active oil producers and 26 active water injectors. Halfdan NE has been developed in 3 phases, and 21 wells have been drilled, with currently 16 active gas producers.
Halfdan consists of 2 main groups of platforms, Halfdan A and Halfdan B in addition to an unmanned wellhead platform, Halfdan CA (North East). Produced oil is transported in pipeline to Gorm while the gas is transported to Tyra West. Gas can, in addition, be imported (for injection) and exported to Dan.

Net reserves 2022
Net production 2022
Operational efficiency 2022
Net reserves 2022
Net production 2022
Operational efficiency 2022